Monday, December 8, 2008

Dhim Crow (what is a dhimmi?)

In its benign wisdom, Islam ("Subjugation," in English) creates a social place for certain groups of non-Muslims--dhimmi--living under its tender rule. That is, it sets out very clear do's and don'ts for these groups.

Dhimmi may not, for example:

Hold government office
Offer testimony against Muslims
Inherit property from Muslims (though Muslims can inherit from dhimmi)
Have noisy funerals
Ride horses or camels
Miscegenate with Muslims

On the other hand, dhimmi may:

Pay a poll tax
Wear distinctive clothing, lest they be mistaken for Muslims

Can't marry...courtroom testimony is worthless...poll tax...sound familiar? It seems that in addition to algebra and numerals, the Islamic world also invented what Americans now (not-so-)fondly refer to as Jim Crow. With that in mind, the best translation of "dhimmi"--what the Islamic world calls you and me--is "ni**er."

Thankfully, America has done away with Jim Crow. But Dhim Crow is alive and well.

This blog, 100% dhimmi-owned and -operated, chronicles some of the festering hatred and continuing crimes that world Islam continues to perpetrate against humanity.

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